19.3 Marketing Practices
Every marketing communication that is intended to be used in the marketing of an insurance plan must be submitted for review by the office prior to use and must contain certain disclosures.
Entities marketing insurance within Florida must have established marketing procedures to assure that any comparison of policies by its agents or other producers will be fair and accurate. Marketing procedures must assert that excessive insurance is not sold or issued.
Making use directly or indirectly of any method of marketing which fails to disclose in a conspicuous manner that a purpose of the method of marketing is solicitation of insurance and that contact will be made by an insurance agent or insurance company is prohibited.
Each insurance agency is required to have an "Agent in Charge." Although the agent does not have any specific statutory duties or responsibilities, a licensed agent must be designated to be "in full-time charge" of each licensed agency location. A licensed agent may be the agent in charge of additional branch office locations of the agency as long as insurance activities requiring licensure as an insurance agent do not occur at any location when the agent is not physically present.