Application for your state license may be made online at the following website: Once you pass the online course final exam, you will be directed to the website link to complete the application for the state examination.
Once your application has been approved by DFS, an Examination Authorization Notice will be sent to the mailing address listed on your application. Once you have received the Authorization Notice, you may schedule your examination online at (Pearson VUE, formerly Promissor). The Authorization Notice is valid for 180 days.
Candidates are encouraged to read the candidate handbook BEFORE making an examination reservation. The candidate handbook can be found online at Pearson VUE website Under Test Taker Information, click on Insurance; select Florida Department of Financial Services from the drop down menu, click on "Go." Under Testing Services, click on Candidate Handbook.
If you make your exam reservation online, you will be asked for a Username and Password. The user ID is "FLI" (as in, Florida License, Insurance) plus your Social Security number. For example, if your Social Security number is 012-34-5678, your Username and Password would be FLI012345678.