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The Course Basics

This course is written with the basics in mind to give you a firm foundation on which to build as you learn more and more about the insurance industry. Throughout the text, you will see highlighted or emphasized information calling your attention to items that should specifically be studied as there are most likely to be questions on that particular material on your state exam. For instance, you may see something like the following statement highlighted:

The function of insurance is to spread financial risk over a large group to minimize the loss to any one individual.

On the state exam, there might be a question in a form such as this:

If you've paid particular attention to the accentuated or highlighted information provided, you will be able to answer the questions as they are rephrased in your examination. The answer to the above question is, of course, "B."

Please realize that all of the information contained in this study material may be on your exam and most certainly should be studied. If we went over only the highlighted items, we would not be doing justice to the seriousness of your chosen vocation. The more you learn, the more successful you will be.

Each lesson ends with a Review Quiz. It is not necessary to pass the quiz in order to proceed through the course. However if you answer a question incorrectly, the pertinent section in which the answer can be located will be referenced so that you can go back and restudy that particular area.