Practice Exam Generator
You may continue to study the Florida study manual while the state processes your application for the state examination, or you can remain prepared by purchasing our Practice Exam Generator. If you did not purchase the Platinum Service package which includes the practice exams, you will have another opportunity once you pass the online course final exam. With the Practice Exam Generator, you will also have extended access to the online course material for an additional 60 days once you pass the online course final examination. The practice exams are randomly generated from a bank of well over 1300 questions.
In addition, you can customize your practice exams by choosing which areas of study you feel you need to concentrate on. For instance, you can choose practice exams that will contain a combination of life, health, and annuity questions or you can narrow your test questions to life insurance only, or health insurance only, or annuities only, or any combination. Each practice exam you generate can contain as little as 25 questions or as many as 75 questions in any particular area of study you choose.*
*Since the practice exams are randomnly generated by computer, you may find that duplicate questions appear from time to time. This would be caused by the random generation process. There are no duplicate questions in the database, however.
Your exam will be graded immediately upon submission and any incorrect answers will be displayed along with the correct answer and category of the question (life, health, or annuities). This is designed to help you determine any areas in which you require more study. After completing a practice exam, you can reselect the options and take another practice exam. There is no limit to how many practice exams you can take within the 60-day time period.